Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Great pictures from our basket weaving adventure with the Cub Scouts. The boys were really very good (not sure how the one girl got in there) but the dads were another story. Focus, focus, focus! We spent about an hour and a half weaving. It was really a pretty successful effort considering these boys had been at school all day and it was time for them to just be boys. I'm not sure where that enters into today's parenting techniques.
I was so pleased with the respect they showed toward the baskets I've woven. I planned to let them pick them up and look at them - which they did - and it was a good move. Everyone of them seemed to appreciate what the basket was. I was also amazed at what they knew about how baskets were such an important part of early cultures.
On the way out of the school, we noticed a poster that said "46% of the students believe abuse is emotional" and the power words are "you are great." Times have changed so much over the years. I think we had the easy days in raising children and truly admire the parents of today. Fathers are so much more into parenting in the present generation; that must have a tremendous impact on the future.
Lots of asparagus went out today. The rain we had this evening will really make it grow so the next week will mean lots time spent cutting and packaging. We had quite a mixture of rain and hail!
Had our first camera/computer class tonight. One of the real perks of being a senior citizen is the $4 tuition fee at WITC. Imagine 9 hours credit for $4!!!!!!! Wow! Times have really changed. Makes the years over 65 a lot nicer to handle!

1 comment:

  1. Nice basket pictures, looks like they did a 'great' job!
