Monday, May 4, 2009

Big day at the farm! We aired on the radio this morning - LIVE!!!! - and the website is now available. We had to add "Knox" to it but it's a good thing. Tom is helping bottle maple syrup at school and will plant the field corn when he gets home. (Just a small patch since Joe plants the rest of it.) Sweet corn goes in tomorrow. We've had several nice days so I am headed to the greenhouse to water plants and then to the asparagus patch to see how many pounds I can pick. This evening we are teaching a basket class to Mike's scout troop - 18 boys around Kal and Kade's ages. Might be a challenge but it will be fun. The JD 730 decided to take a vacation so we had to borrow Bob Keil's for the day. As old as the 730 is, it may take a while to restore it. Good friends and neighbors are hard to beat! Tuesday and Thursday evenings we have computer classes for camera and photos. This is a busy week. Retirement is so good. Have a super day!


  1. Great website, great garden, nice folks -- what more can anyone ask for?!!

  2. No wonder I haven't see you for awhile-you're so busy! It keeps you young. The web site is great and I love the pictures. Congratulations!

  3. Sorry, Charl is your anonymous garden mooch who commented above.
