Sunday, July 11, 2010

Finally! We have a flag pole with a flag flying on the corner! Grandkids were here and help Grampa get the pole painted and up. He put large pink trashbags on them and said they had more paint on the bags than on the pole. Then they all went out and raised the pole - looked just the like photo of Iowa Jima! I'm not sure who is more proud of it - me or the grandkids!

1 comment:

  1. My Son and I had a great time last week picking the overwhelming amount of Raspberries! Our 2 Pints lasted us thru our visit with the Inlaws and were enjoyed by many. We hope to make your farm a standard visit when we return in the summer.

    thanks again!

    Chad, Stacey (Brathal), Zack and Carson Bergman
    Denver, CO
