Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rainy week but we are ready to begin picking strawberries on Monday. We could use some sun and warm but won't complain as we needed the rain so badly. All the garden looks wonderful. No matter how much watering is done, none makes the difference that a good rain can make. Raspberries are blooming again (the second bloom?) and look like they will make a bumper crop. The grapevines are loaded with little green grapes. Blueberries are loaded - hope the turkeys stay out! We're anxious to dig that first hill of baby red potatoes and are waiting for our friend, Kai, to bring some fresh peas. The next few weeks will be very busy but so much fun. No more snoozing after the alarm goes off, at least for a while. (Retirees aren't supposed to use alarm clocks. Someone forgot to tell that to Tom!)
Hope to see you in the patch!

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